For some reason I have this thing against buying maternity clothes. I am not sure why. I think my problem is that so much of it is so expensive and can only be worn for such a short time I really don’t see the point. I enjoy using my Belly Band and most of my clothes still fit me. However, my jeans (that I can still wear) are really not comfortable at all. They make me feel heavier and I hate that feeling. So I decided to look into some maternity jeans. Although it is almost summer, I figure I will still need them for a bit in the Fall after Baby Girl arrives.
I was having a little issue with looking at maternity jeans because I wanted to try them on first and see if I liked them before I ordered some. After looking on Amazon and a few other places, I was on the Motherhood Maternity Site. Well that is when I hit the jackpot, turns out the Babies R Us on my way home from work carries Motherhood Maternity. Not only did they have the jeans in the store, they were on sale for $19.99! Once I put them on I knew I had to have them. I got the Secret Fit Belly Boot Cut Jeans. Here they are:
Band up
Band down
And this picture I just like from the self timer shots
Where did any mom’s out there find reasonable priced maternity clothes?
I got most of mine from Old Some of the stores carry maternity in the stores and if you can find one that does, you can probably score some awesome deals. Good luck!