
Monday, December 6, 2010

Small Business Saturday

So with all the fun of Black Friday and Cyber Monday what other commercial holidays could we need around Thanksgiving? Small Business Saturday of course! I am not sure how many people heard about this (although I do remember seeing at least one commercial on TV for it), but American Express declared the Saturday after Thanksgiving Small Business Saturday. Strangely enough although I am an AMEX customer I did not hear about the promotion from them, but rather my favorite local Gelato place Dolce Crema. My lovely little Gelato place sent me an email about the AMEX promotion to give a credit to any card members that spent $25 at a small business on Small Business Saturday. Wait the email gets better, my little Dolce Crema was going to offer 3 pints of Gelato on Small Business Saturday for $25! So yes as the email said I could get 3 pints of gelato for FREE! Well you can bet that I stopped in. The hard part came when Hubby and I hat to pick just 3 to take home. But we finally decided and walked out with:

Peppermint Stratellia


Bailey’s Irish Cream


It has been too cold here to try these little gems, but I know they will be amazing!

Thanks AMEX and Dolce Crema!

1 comment:

  1. great promotion. love when major companies make an effort to celebrate small businesses.
