Even before we knew about the little one’s upcoming arrival, hubby and I had decided that the baby’s room would have a Winnie the Pooh theme. We want to keep the big things as gender neutral as possible and thought Winnie was the perfect fit! We then decided per Hubby that we “want a cute pooh, not the old school pooh.” So off to work we went on finding cute Pooh things. We decided we like “Fluffy Pooh” and then we found these room decals:
We decided that the decals would be better because they will not damage the walls and if the little one does not like them, they just come down! So then it was on to curtains for the room. I had decided I wanted to make curtains and started looking everywhere for fabric. I was having the hardest time finding something I liked, then one day while looking at Jo-Ann Fabrics online I found this:
It was prefect, so I sent it to Hubby and called the store to have it put aside! Luck for me the Mum-in-law has made curtains before and was coming to visit for Hubby’s birthday, so I would have help with this project.
Thanks to her in just a few hours the project was done and looks great!
Now we just need to paint!
Less then a week until we find out the sex of baby!
I love Pooh nurseries. Can't wait until you find out!