
Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunlight and Sunflowers

I am so happy to be back to short weeks again, and to be headed to the in-laws in a few days! Breakfast this morning was off to a healthy start. Green monster with coffee by the flowers.

The sunflowers came from my tree that need to be cut down a bit. It was a good project to do last night after the storm with no power.

Green monster:
1/2 frozen banana
5 melon balls
5 cantaloupe balls
2 handfuls spinach
1 cup soy milk

Blend and enjoy.

I had packed my lunch but when the girls in the office mentioned Peace a Pizza I was in.

One slice of Mediterranean Salad I was proud of myself, eaten with a fork and knife to take my time it was just enough.
And maybe a little fudge that was in my packed lunch! Hopefully a quiet night at home tonight....any plans for the week?

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