
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Time to get oriented

Over the next 8 days we will be running Orientation at work so my hours and meals will be on a 2 day cycle. Because of that I may not be posting all my meals to bore you with. However I will post today's meals as it is the first day:)

Breakfast was a muffin (because I was not feeling like a bagel) and two mugs of tea.(Speaking of tea check out my friends giveaway for some fun teas!)

Lunch was this yummy chicken pesto panini and an apple. With some M&M's later in the afternoon (why do I eat you M and M's when I know it is so hard for me to stop?!?)

Dinner tonight is going to be some veggie chili from the freezer and Food Should Taste Good Chips (review really soon 2 more bags to try).

Tonight will also have a Lower Body workout with the my slimdown and hopefully some time to relax!

Here's to hoping the week goes quickly...

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